Monday Night Recap, March 20, 2023


  • Rick’s Picks. LAST CHANCE To enter into the next 20 weeks of LotoMax draws, submit $20.00 payment by noon March 24th. Cash or cheque payable during Monday meetings to the Treasurer.

By credit card ($21.00) through the DWC website or by e-transfer ($20.00) to Mike Beaton

  • Mats update – Chad Shaw. Have arrived, pick up before or after Monday meetings.
  • In the upcoming weeks we will be having draws for pen kits and supplies that were provided by WilliamWoodWrite. Also three gift cards from Exotic Woods in Burlington.
  • Wig stands. There is always a need for wig stands to support our charity work for Hearth Place. Wood is available and can be picked up at Monday meetings.
  • 2 x 4 Challenge. We will be having a 2 x4 challenge where the challenge is to use one 2x4x8’ to make, turn, scroll and otherwise construct objects.

Full details will be forthcoming over the next few weeks.

  • Calvin – in good spirits, appreciates visitors, floor C5 Rm 223 at Oshawa hospital
  • Church update – still waiting…
  • We appreciate your support of the club throughout this difficult period, if you have any ideas for a new possible shop location, CONTACT anyone on the executive!

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses once the shop re-opens.

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the Backdoor Mission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly.

Thanks to all for supporting this.

Door stops for the church/Backdoor Mission – they need ten.

Kade turned 2 and brought them in.


Sharpening and Stropping with God Tilley and Dale Coolidge

Gord: strop is used for polishing the edge and removing the scratches /grooves that occur when using sharpening stones. Also used for rounding the bevel on the tool. The nap side is used to hold compound and the smooth side which is harder and is used without compound. Gord also provided a history of stropping.

Dale: after sharpening used leather strop to remove burr from the tool.

He demonstrated stropping using several flat and curved chisels. The strop was clamped to the table and green compound was applied. Using heat, either from your hand or an external source, assists the compound in being spread evenly. Pull the tool back 15-20 times, little pressure applied as too much pressure can round the tip of the tool.

A general discussion followed on who uses strops and why, and their experiences.

Gord Tilley donated a strop he made, oak backing with leather face. Winer was Mike Beaton

Gallery, Show & Tell

Kade Bolger –carved spoon made of lignum vitae with an oil finish; hummingbird house made out of Texas ebony, mesquite, hackberry for decorative purposes.Gord Tilley donated a strop he made, oak backing with leather face. Winer was Mike BeatonKade Bolger –carved spoon made of lignum vitae with an oil finish; hummingbird house made out of Texas ebony, mesquite, hackberry for decorative purposes.

Steve Hutcheon – scrolled basket weave baskets made of poplar, progressively smaller rings glued together and then spray finish. Also dragonfly pattern with 154 holes drilled and has to be cut out.

Scott Martin – kayak paddle, shaft is western red cedar/maple and paddles are western red cedar and ash alternating with an epoxied rope edging.

Handle was made in two pieces and joined together.

Next Meeting: 2023-03-27