- Show & Tell
- KUB KAR weigh in for DWC built Kars
- Demo on Scout truck build
- Announcements
- 50/50 draw
This Meeting is being held back in the DWC room and not in the meeting room upstairs, related to state of the room in recent meetings.
Currently there are no speakers. Show and tell will use the Microphone for the benefit of members online.
- Identification of 3 Exits
- Defib is upstairs
- First aid kit by the door
- Careful with beverages around the machinery during meeting
Presented new memory box with top sliding opening
Presented Scrolling work in “3 dimensions”
Make sure the back is a quarter inch at least
3 days to let paint dry
Got a new lathe – went to Mr. Greens’ place and turned 2 bowls – ambrosia maple with a clear sealer.
A turned ash bowl with oil and beeswax
Noted that the different coloured woods are very interesting
A good and fun experience to turn bowls
Bar clamps – when you adjust the clamps they slide. Found a You Tube video where a thing was made that keeps the glue-ups and clamps stable– nothing moves.
Saves aggravation of having to line things up again. Keeps the item off the ground, clamps up – nice little design. No headache when the back clamp is moved back and forth.
Made comfort Birds. Used Scroll Saw and Dremel. Shiny and fits in the palm of the hand. Result was very good.
Making Christmas ornaments, Santa Claus . Pieces include noses, faces, hats and beards.
Created from round cylindrical pieces.
Will use similar pieces for owls. Plans to use a “Rough Knife” to remove some of the excess.
Uses a cutting table and Apron. Most of the shavings stay on the table.
Basswood is used
Tricky part is making sure that eyes are added, otherwise the figures do not look as good/authentic. Uses a toothpick to put the iris and pupil colour on the figure.
During the break the Kub Kars made last week need to be weighed to ensure they meet the standard for racing.
Weight must be 142 grams.
During the races next week there will be various categories and rounds. (more information to come)
The Prime Race will be with the recently made KUB Kars.
The Race is held at Camp Samac and more information regarding exact location there, and a map is to follow.
Tom L
Tom passed around instructions for putting the KUB KARS together for the kids and parent.
DWC helps to build Masonite box and scouts to take home to finish.
The patterns include part to a tractor trailer.
They need to drill hole and put pin in.
Jig made up so when scout comes in they will have an aligned bogie – so hole is predrilled in right location.
Demonstrated what goes together. Use masking tape
There are some choices of what the item looks like. They can build different cabs, following the patterns provided. They build the Truck, the tractor etc.
- Given that the church left upstairs, so the club can also be open through the weekend. Same hours apply as through the week
- Request that a few members come earlier to the meetings to help with the set up. This worked well for this meeting
- A majority show of hands to agree to have meeting in the DWC shop
- Will look at putting a projector set up for the meeting
50/50 Draw
Jack Howey1 is the winner
The 50/50 Draw contributes to the benefit of the club. A new cycle every 3 months