Monday Night Recap, April 3, 2023


OPEN!!!! SHOP IS NOW OPEN!  regular 9am to 3 pm hours for now, more to come soon.

Calvin still in Oshawa hospital, on C5, – progressing, appreciates the visits.

Code to shop entrance downstairs is 142. the inner shop door will no locker be locked. We may be instituting a scanner fob system to get into the shop and track who uses the shop when.

If you know of any past members you can let them know that the shop is now OPEN, and they may consider re-joining.

Membership cards are available from Brian Hicks.

Discounts are available (5% or 10%) from Peacock, Woodchuckers, Burlington Exotic Wood, Busy Bee, Markham Industrial, NorthDog Wood.

The old men’s bathroom has been completely refurbished!!!  Yahoo!!

SHOP will be CLOSED this Friday and next Monday (Easter), NO meeting Easter Monday.

2X4 Challenge is up and running details sent by Kade this past week., and attached.

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly. Thanks for your contributions!


CARVING SOAPSTONE (a Canadian perspective) with Mike Beaton

History and development. Bone/tusk carvings. Registered original hand-made art -sticker. Some artists make similar art without claiming to be Inuit or First Nations. Soapstone is a metamorphic talc based rock, various hardnesses. Various files and riffles and saws used. Mike usually sources his stone from Curve Lake reserve (Sandy Cline). Some comes from Quebec, Newfoudland… (Lee Valley also sells some) Mike uses wet sandpaper with piece in water, 300 grit up to 800. Put into the oven heated to 250-300, then rub beeswax into it, buff it. Could use oils instead.

All filed/sawn parts will need to be sanded then waxed and buffed.

There are some fake pieces out there – mass produced! Don’t be fooled. Real art pieces should be signed and dated. Fakes are less expensive and can look convincing.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Dale C. – old rejuvenated maple bowl, shellacked.

Chris L. – jar and wood (curly maple) coffee grinder, tung oil.

Kade B. – hollow form bird mouth live edge bowl, honey locust. Eggs- some coloured, goose egg- tulip poplar, with pedestal. Live edge crabapple bowl.

Steve H.- scroll sawn- 4 leaf clover decorative painted piece, Christmas tree wreath spray varathane, display stand, 2 people embracing.

Mike B. – wooden whistles, Whittling knife kit from Princess Auto.

Next Meeting: 2023, April 17. NO MEETING on Easter Monday

Monday Night Recap, March 27, 2023


Calvin Perry remains in Oshawa hospital (floor C5, room 55) during his recovery period (from a brain bleed). He really appreciates any and all visits from his wood club friends!

Brian Hicks has our membership cards.

Estate sale – Gabi Boileau has info – April    DOC attached above

2X4 Challenge upcoming – end date May 15th, details to follow.

Mats are now here, downstairs.

Next week is first meeting of the month. Coffee and tea and water and your treats

‘Tools of the Trade’ show this weekend at the Pickering Rec centre on Valleyfarm Rd Sunday only.

M and L sharpening in Pickering- cards available

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly


Abrasives and Sanding, with the fine and gritty Noel Green

use the sandpaper like someone else is paying for it’ SANDING -A WOODWORKING ESSENTIAL.

Aluminum oxide or garnet or silicon dioxide glued onto a backing. Acutting tool like a chisel or saw. 3M ceramic is a newer product. Quality matters.

GRIT – a number referring to the # of particles that are fit into a square inch: two systems, USA and European.

Types: sheets, discs, belts, mesh, random orbital, other.dimple discs source USE CODE ‘inlayjim’ to get 10% off your order!

Turner’s mesh (abranet), mandrel and disc inserts.

Best type depends on the use and the user. Some types can be friable – grit wears off leaving a new layer. Organization matters.

Inertial sanding tool for less aggressive sanding, polishing to a shine.

Mark the grit # on back of all so that when you drop a piece or forget…

European grits are prefixed with a ‘P’. 180 = P180, but all others are different! Be nice to you – use either USA OR European grits, don’t mix em.

5 rules:

1. keep it sharp and clean. Clean with crepe, start each project with new paper

2. refine the shape and remove all tool damage before moving to next grit. Next grit is only to remove previous grit’s scratch pattern. If turning, consider tool repair, sanding in reverse or with lathe stopped

3. Sand through progressively finer grits without skipping any of them. Rule of 1.5 says to go from one grit to 1.5 times that and continue likewise. Use air to blow off dust and particles.

4. remove all dust and grit between

5.Slow is GOOD, Slower is better – heat is the enemy. Sand cool – slower lathe speed, slower movement, less pressure…slow drill speed. If lathe turning in reverse, ensure chuck is secure and power sand in reverse also

Sanding pads, like scotchbrite pads (3M, SIA) can be good for polishing. Various pastes and polishes for finer finishing. 0000 Steel wool can be used. Toothpaste can be used to polish finished pieces.

Flatwork tips. Turning tips. Sanding Safety_ use a mask!, dust collector, can use wet sanding with water (on acrylics) or oil (on woods) to minimize airborne dust. Walnut dust is toxic!

More sanding tips! Prepare packets, make a static sanding pad on a disc for the lathe. Make specialized sanding pads for curves and special surfaces.

Sanding and finishing is crucial to finished product – take the time!

Gallery, Show & Tell

Guy May – wig stands- maple with sealer and stain/varnish & poly. And a Bandsaw box (oak)

Gene Hutchison– scrolled eagle and horse, with osmo and spraysealer/resin

Noel Green – door stops for BDM/church, made from birch or maple

Next Meeting: Next Monday, April 3

Monday Night Recap, March 20, 2023


  • Rick’s Picks. LAST CHANCE To enter into the next 20 weeks of LotoMax draws, submit $20.00 payment by noon March 24th. Cash or cheque payable during Monday meetings to the Treasurer.

By credit card ($21.00) through the DWC website or by e-transfer ($20.00) to Mike Beaton

  • Mats update – Chad Shaw. Have arrived, pick up before or after Monday meetings.
  • In the upcoming weeks we will be having draws for pen kits and supplies that were provided by WilliamWoodWrite. Also three gift cards from Exotic Woods in Burlington.
  • Wig stands. There is always a need for wig stands to support our charity work for Hearth Place. Wood is available and can be picked up at Monday meetings.
  • 2 x 4 Challenge. We will be having a 2 x4 challenge where the challenge is to use one 2x4x8’ to make, turn, scroll and otherwise construct objects.

Full details will be forthcoming over the next few weeks.

  • Calvin – in good spirits, appreciates visitors, floor C5 Rm 223 at Oshawa hospital
  • Church update – still waiting…
  • We appreciate your support of the club throughout this difficult period, if you have any ideas for a new possible shop location, CONTACT anyone on the executive!

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses once the shop re-opens.

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the Backdoor Mission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly.

Thanks to all for supporting this.

Door stops for the church/Backdoor Mission – they need ten.

Kade turned 2 and brought them in.


Sharpening and Stropping with God Tilley and Dale Coolidge

Gord: strop is used for polishing the edge and removing the scratches /grooves that occur when using sharpening stones. Also used for rounding the bevel on the tool. The nap side is used to hold compound and the smooth side which is harder and is used without compound. Gord also provided a history of stropping.

Dale: after sharpening used leather strop to remove burr from the tool.

He demonstrated stropping using several flat and curved chisels. The strop was clamped to the table and green compound was applied. Using heat, either from your hand or an external source, assists the compound in being spread evenly. Pull the tool back 15-20 times, little pressure applied as too much pressure can round the tip of the tool.

A general discussion followed on who uses strops and why, and their experiences.

Gord Tilley donated a strop he made, oak backing with leather face. Winer was Mike Beaton

Gallery, Show & Tell

Kade Bolger –carved spoon made of lignum vitae with an oil finish; hummingbird house made out of Texas ebony, mesquite, hackberry for decorative purposes.Gord Tilley donated a strop he made, oak backing with leather face. Winer was Mike BeatonKade Bolger –carved spoon made of lignum vitae with an oil finish; hummingbird house made out of Texas ebony, mesquite, hackberry for decorative purposes.

Steve Hutcheon – scrolled basket weave baskets made of poplar, progressively smaller rings glued together and then spray finish. Also dragonfly pattern with 154 holes drilled and has to be cut out.

Scott Martin – kayak paddle, shaft is western red cedar/maple and paddles are western red cedar and ash alternating with an epoxied rope edging.

Handle was made in two pieces and joined together.

Next Meeting: 2023-03-27

Monday Night Recap, March 13, 2023


Safety First – Fire exits and defibrillator

  • Rick’s Picks. To enter into the next 20 weeks of LotoMax draws, submit $20.00 payment by noon March 24th. Cash or cheque payable during Monday meetings to the Treasurer.

By credit card ($21.00) through the DWC website or by e-transfer ($20.00) to

  • Mats update – Chad Shaw,

Mats should be here this week with distribution before/after next meeting.

  • Gord Tilley – Chisolm Woods in Belleville: great selection of woods and other related items.
  • WilliamWoodWrite: contacted Kade about being a club sponsor. They have provided to the club various turning kits and components as well as a number of discount coupons. This will most likely be used as raffle and door prizes to the members.
  • Calvin – in good spirits, appreciates visitors, floor C5 Rm 223 at Oshawa hospital
  • Church update – still waiting…
  • We appreciate your support of the club throughout this difficult period, if you have any ideas for a new possible shop location, CONTACT anyone on the executive!

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses once the shop re-opens.

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the Backdoor Mission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly.

Thanks to all for supporting this.

Door stops for the church/Backdoor Mission – they need ten.

Scott brought in 6 tonight, sanded with corners rounded.


Glue Blocks for the Lathe with Noel Green

Using a bought aluminum face plate, attach a glue block with a slight concave surface. This is dipped into a small frying pan that contains melted glue sticks. The bowl blank is centered and held against the glue block. Once dried then it is turned. Advantage of this method is that there is no wasted bowl blank by turning a spigot in it to be held in a chuck.

The bowl is released from the glue block by spraying denatured alcohol (methyl hydrate) on the hot glue. In a few minutes it softens the glue and the bowl can be separated.

Charcuterie Board- Woven Pattern with Paul Kidson

Start by gluing several pieces of different wood temporarily on top of each other (using drops of super glue) then making a wavy cut with a bandsaw through them. The pieces are separated then mixed up so a bottom board is matched with a top board then stacked, glued and cut again. This is done several times. Then a thin piece of contrasting wood is used between the various woods when gluing up the final board and laying out the woven pattern using all the cut pieces.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Kade Bolger – turned ring bowls finished with tung oil. Wood was charred then brushed with stiff bristles before turning.

Steve Hutcheon – scrolled sawn shamrock designwith backing board.

Paul Kidson: charcuterie board made of 6-8 different woods in a “woven “pattern.

Next Meeting: 2023-03-20

Monday Night Recap, March 6, 2023


Safety First – Fire exits and defibrillator

first meeting of the month – TREATS nite! Hope you guys at home had something tasty too… Let’s aim for a big turnout in April!

  • Various methods to clean gum/sap off of blades
  • Mats update – Chad Shaw, must prepay! Pay to Mike Beaton. They will be delivered to the church meeting room.
  • Calvin – in good spirits, appreciates visitors, floor C5 at Oshawa hospital
  • Church update – still waiting…
  • We appreciate your support of the club throughout this difficult period., If you have any ideas for a new possible shop location, CONTACT anyone on the executive!
  • Advertising through social media – we could do this – a club member who is familiar with kijiji and marketplace and CraigsList could help us with that!!!

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses once the shop re-opens.

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly. We met our one ton goal! Thanks to all for supporting this.

Door stops for the church/BackDoor Mission – they need ten.



concept is to start with a block of wood, draw on shape, cut it out, saw off back, find spot in grain to enter into with saw to cut the inside shape, cut out inner to be removed, , pieces re-assemble into the box. Using an 1/8 or 1/4 inch blade

Video shows the process “3 Easy-To-Build Band Saw Boxes”, on youtube. Rather than me fumble through trying to explain the steps, you should watch the video!!!

We had the video without audio, so Guy narrated, a ‘play by play’ of sorts!

Guy showed three different boxes with different shapes and details. Cherry, walnut, and plywood used.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Kade Bolger – Turned box of Roasted Ash and Tulip Poplar, shiny…tung oil

and a Chocolate Dip donut of Cherry with glaze…, also olive ash lidded bowl with purple heart finial, also a footed lidded bowl with finial

Doug Ricketts – two pens, one of of lignum vitae with no finish applied, only micro meshed to 8000 natural oily lutre of the wood comes through. Other one lignum vitae andeither bloodwood or snakewood, sanded to 8000 with micro mesh then pens plus oil/wax finish applied. Also showed a chunk of Lignum Vitae wood

Wayne Schroder – cane, roasted maple and walnut, turned and hand planed, engraved with dog’s names.

Next Meeting: 2023-03-13

Monday Night Recap, February 27, 2023


Next week’s meeting will be coffee, tea and treats – first meeting of each month, bring along something tasty!

No update from the church yet.

A piece of a maple tree is available from Gord Tilly

Mats – 101 have been asked for, at $16 each.

Calvin Perry is now in Oshawa hospital, on floor C5

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly


Scroll Saw Maintenance with Bruce Cook

The DeWalt saw was modelled after the ‘Excalibur’ which was originally designed by an Ontario guy. DeWalt bought the rights and until 2011 they were built in Ontario- these are “type 1” saws and their bearings were greased when built! After 2011 the production shifted to China, “type 2” and the bearings were NOT greased when built – not good! These can be taken apart and greased. There are 18 bearings, 1 sealed, 17 open. Variable speed motor, eccentric shaft, wave washer on LEFT hand threaded main shaft connection. Blue loctite was needed on some connections. A test/survey indicated that a new saw, ungreased, would last about 1 year, while if those saws are greased they last about ten years – these figures for saws in regular frequent use.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Steve H – Scrolled sailboat and wave picture!

Dale C – Bowl turned in a maple slab (was hotglued onto a steel faceplate, then methyl hydrate used to deactivate the glue.)

Also a mallet using bronze plumbing ‘T’ and maple

Neil F – a poplar wig stand

Gord T – a strop on ash, two drawknives which Dale C sharpened

Next Meeting: 2023- March 6th

Monday Night Recap, February 13, 2023


  • Thanks to the 90+ members who have already renewed their DWC membership for 2023.
  • Do you know anyone who might be a contact that might possibly lead to a new shop location for us. A letter to members about this will soon follow!
  • We are in regular contact with the church about their insurance woes, and we are actively looking into other locations.
  • ‘Good of the Club’ draw will be for $41 weekly.
  • Calvin Perry has had a bit of a medical setback, is now in a Toronto Hospital, expecting to get back to Oshawa soon. He is making progress.
  • Rick’s Picks coming up $20 for 20 weeks.
  • NO MEETING next week – Family Day.
  • Please help tidy up after the meetings!! THANK YOU

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly


CARVING (birds and canes) with guest Presenter Rodney Maahs

started carving at Durham Woodworking Club a few years ago!! Caricatures, boar, birds. How to bird carve: there are books and patterns available… Basswood preferred, top view and side view drawn on, then cut top view with bandsaw, glue back together, then cut side view. Mark out the parts to be cut away. Need one good knife and a ‘V knife’. Maybe also a flat chisel. “KV carving” in New Brunswick, ‘Chipping Away’ carving in Kitchener are sources. Sand it down, draw in feathers, use high speed dremels to do feathers. Either ‘stone'(dremel) or burn the feathers. Either buy feet (pewter) or make them – copper with baking soda and CA glue… You will need a ‘burner’ and a dremel if you want to do serious bird carving. Does many ducks – some have 80-100+ hours of work!! Canes with animal heads. Rodney does classes Wednesday mornings and evenings at Northview Community Centre, through Oshawa Seniors 55+ programs. (12-13 weeks, 3 hrs a day) Cost approx $80.   Acrylic paints used.

Bernie Visser and another are perhaps organizing a drop-in carving group in Oshawa

Gallery, Show & Tell

Dan A: Olive lidded box, Odies Oil finish

Doug R: Plum and Walnut candle holder, tung oil

Paul K: Crab apple charcuterie boards, one with ‘woven’ inserts.

Next Meeting: 2023-02-27 (NOT on Family day feb 20)

Monday Night Recap, February 6, 2023


Safety – fire exits and defibrillator locations

Coffee and snack night monthly.. will be returning next week!! Bring in some goodies.

Kiwanis Club presentation happening tomorrow morning.

Good of the Club (50-50) New Draw starts Feb 13th. Contact Mike Beaton by Feb. 9th. 1 for $24, 3 for $48 for next twelve weeks

DWC Bulk buy for Rubber floor mats. 

If you are interested in purchasing some, Please contact Chad.

I think if we can get a large enough order as a group, we may be able to buy them at a cheaper rate. Please Let Chad know how many you would like to purchase. He will try to have a few samples for viewing at next week’s meeting. 

Brand NEW! 8mm thick, 2’x2’ puzzle piece black As well as Grey mats. Perfect for gym, garage, basements, Shops.  $12- $16 per mat ($3 – $4 per sq ft) buy in bulk or large quantity to save! Have new 2×2 x 8mm black puzzle piece rubber floor tiles (mats) in stock ready to cash n carry. Here are my firm and fair prices: 0-500 sqft = $4/sqft 500 -1000 sqft = $3.50/sqft Over 1000 = $3/sqft

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses, once we re-open

Community Activities

Calvin P. Wig Stands continuing!!!

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD DRIVE does continue weekly. Aiming for 1 ton of food donations each 6-7 months!!

2′ by 2′ anti-fatigue square mats from a gym, brand new!! price likely $3 per square foot, might be less if we buy enough. Contact Chad Shaw within a week (SEE ABOVE!!)


Putting Lights in Cabinets: Cassidy Cook from ‘A.M.G. Baytech’

various LED light bars, various materials, light temperatures/colours. Lighting above or under cabinets. Either hard-wired or plug in. Slim LED pucks. Moon Pucks angled light direction. Tape lights. ‘OnCloud’ uses an app to control it all through your phone! Mood tape kits.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Doug R. Cherry Goblet, turned while in high school a few years back

Guy M. Several red cedar bowls, amazing purple-red colour

Steve H. Purple heart shelf with key hooks, scrolled pattern

Gord T. Milk crate made from pine and spruce

Noel G. Bottle stoppers- acrylic, maple, ambrosia. Red cedar wing bowl, oak bowl, cherry bowl, (general wood finish), ash bowl.

Gene H. Intarsia golfing bear!, wipe on poly gel

Kade B. Lidded box made from ‘SPF’ building wood; olive ash wide rimmed bowl, bowl outside painted like vanGogh’s Starry Night

Dale C.    Leather strops on maple

Calvin P.,   Pens made by Andy Valliere

Next Meeting: 2023-FEB 13th

Monday Night Recap, January 30, 2023


Kade reviewed the many possible sites that the executive and members have investigated for a possible shop location. Several remain under active investigation/communication.

The situation with the church was reviewed: an insurance inspector attended the church and our shop today. He was impressed with many aspects of our shop conditions and practices, making only one recommendation regarding a hood around the grinder, which we agreed to implement. His report goes back to Intact Insurance for their decision. The church itself is looking into possibly self insuring if need be. Decisions and results on this matter may take from one to five months.

** Good of the Club ( 50-50 ) draw next session starts mid-February. Deadline to enter is Feb 9th, either to directly or through the club website (bank fees added on) either one ticket for all draws for $24, or three tickets for $48.

Several of our members will be making a presentation about DWC at an upcoming Kiwanis meeting in Oshawa.

The club appreciates the 80% plus of members who have paid their 2023 dues already. It is a strong showing of support as we work through these challenging times. Those who have not yet paid are reminded that they can do so through the website or by contacting Mike Beaton or at a meeting in person to Mike. Members who do not pay their dues may have membership privileges revoked.

Ongoing Education

WE are all looking forward to these courses re-starting once the shop re-opens….Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD DRIVE continues weekly


types of mills – bandsaw, circular saw, chainsaw. Stabilizing the log; motor size, bar length, ripping chains, muscle power required; carriages- ladder or track system homemade or purchased; log loading trailer.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Paul K. ‘Chaotic cutting board’ VERY many pieces

Gene H. Fridge magnets and intarsia penguins

Dave R. Mahogany and stone bowl made when he was in gr 9!

Wayne Peden. Cherry ipad/book holder

Neil F. Wig stand

Gord T. Leather strop

Kade B. Top & bowl, ‘tower tops’, bell box

Guy M. Multi-layered bandsaw box, Cedar and hickory logs

Next Meeting: 2023, February 6th.

Monday Night Recap, January 16, 2023


Over 35 members personally in attendance – great showing.  Masks are optional – about 1/3 of members wear them.

Still have issues with audio for the Zoom Meeting – working to fix this with new tech purchases (new computer and new audio specific equipment)

BYLAW Changes

Kade announced two By Law changes.

BYLAW 1.3.2 ‘HONOURARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP’ was revised as follows:

To be considered for a possible ‘Honourary Life Membership’, a member


1. Be consistently seen to promote and practice good relationship behaviours towards members of the club and between the club and the community.

2. Have length of membership of at least fifteen years.

3. Have demonstrated outstanding service to club in maintenance or executive or community relations.

4. Have consistent attendance and participation in DWC meetings and events.

BYLAW 1.4 ‘MEMBERSHIP DUES’ was changed to include the following:

I. the DWC membership fee of $80 and Initiation Fee of $20 is set for 2023.

Ii. the initiation fee for new members joining DWC for 2023 is set at $20

Iii. the initiation fee for new members is a one time only fee; no member shall ever pay it more than once.

AV Update

A new computer has been purchased, and new Audio equipment will also be purchased to improve the Zoom meeting experience.


There was new communication from the local branch of the Church.  They share our frustrations at the slow progress of developments, and are now working on two avenues to gain a positive outcome.  One relates to management of their policy dates, and the other involves a shop inspection by a company adjuster.

Hopefully the latter happens this or next week. 

CLUB Financials.

Mike Beaton gave a very good update on the current club financial picture.

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly



Chris Lapine

·         Showed a hand crafted “bullseye” device used to identify the most advantageous centre location for a turning on an odd shaped piece of stock.  Created out of a piece of plexiglass that had concentric rings scored on it with a skew while spinning it on the lathe. 

·         A good alternative for centre finding vs the “routine” intersection point of diagonals

Neil Fickling

·         Demonstrated a clever depth finding device in situations of having a wide vessel that one wanted to replicate. 

·         The design involved a movable rod that passed through a tightly fitting hole in a piece of 1/1” stock that was longer than the diameter of the piece/bowl/box where depth finding was needed. 

·         The rod would be passed through the stock to touch the bottom of the vessel

·         Friction would hold the rod at the measured depth for reference for the next copy of the vessel.

Kade Bolger

·         Recommended ear plugs – MUCH less than hearing aids, and good in the shop and when out with friends who snore

·         Recommended good eye goggles/protection – we only get 2, and they are not replaceable

·         Also showed a “low tech but highly effective” depth device – a pencil.  The pencil was put down into the box interior, and then with one eye shut, the user visually lined up opposing edges of the box and watched where that line intersected the pencil by moving one’s thumb along the pencil until the nail was in line with visual line joining up the perimeters.

·         Kade also demonstrated a number of “trays” for holding round stock that needed to be cut on either a band saw or a chop saw. The tray prevented the stock from rotating when the blade was pushed against the stock needing to cut.  The tray had parallel stock either glued flat on it or even glued at about 45 degrees to it that held the round stock firmly in place.

·         Kade demonstrated a wooden pop can top made from cut offs that was attractive and stopped sawdust/bugs/wasps etc.     getting into drinks.  Note that exclamatory remarks of “ooh, its shiny” are common when these devices are correctly finished!

·         Kade also showed a Spatula turning jig.  It consisted of 2 parts – one was a cube with a slot cut into it.  The other was a piece of stock where the design of the spatula was drawn onto.  A bandsaw was used to make the “rough” cuts to bring the spatula shape down to a near finished form, and then the spatula shape was mounted on the lathe for final finishing.  The cube slot was mounted on the chuck with the slot pointing at the tail stock.  The spatual blade was inserted into the slot on the cube, and then the other end of the spatula stock was jammed with the free turning tail stock.  Kade did not remove any of the handle material on the stock.  Other mere mortals may want to cut off at least some of it with a bandsaw to reduce the amount of material needing to be removed on the lathe.  Kade warned that it is easy to remove TOO much material when shaping with a bandsaw – be aware of this.

Mike Beaton

·         Mike demonstrated how wine corks can make effective knife blade covers.  He was not aware of differences between red or white wine corks, and had found no need to wash off corks prior to using them.

·         Mike also demonstrated a series  of homemade strops, one using a simple paint stirstick.  The leather sources are variable – including old belts.  There was a discussion of  different grades of grit in Jewellery Rouge that was applied to the leather – it seems that at least 3 grits are available, with the Red or Green grit being the most used.

·         A clever thumb protector for whittling was an old bike tire inner tube cut to proper length.

·         As a pointer, Mike suggests that HS steel whittling/carving knife blades are very difficult to sharpen, and suggests are not worth it.

Calvin Perry

·         Calvin demonstrated the difference between Titebond III and Weldwood – the former having amore yellow colour when dry, the latter being quite clear when dry.

·         Discussion followed about using Weldwood glue for light coloured wood joints and Titebond glue for darker woods.

·         The titebond III product is designed for wood only, while the Weldwood glue is for many types of media – wood, glass, ceramic etc.

·         Calvin also showed how useful and effective consumer good packaging can be for storing workshop items.  He had a lidded, plastic container that had been included in a purchase of Swiffer pads that was perfect for holding shop markers and other items.

Noel Green

·         Noel brought a mustard container and a number of lids and demonstrated that lids from different products all fit onto numerous containers.  In particular, the lid from a smaller container of Titebond III glue also fit onto the Frenches mustard container, as did a maple syrup lid and a salad dressing lid.

·         The mustard container plastic was very convenient because glue did not stick to it.

·         There was discussion about the potential for inadvertently applying the glue to a ham sandwich, but consensus was that this was likely a rare event and did not overweigh the value of the tip.

Paul Kidson

·         Paul showed how gluing stands could be easily made from 2 or 3” PVC pipe mounted on flat bases. 

·         The PVC is a great choice of material because wood glue absolutely does not stick to it.  When attaching the base, there is no need to put bolts deep into the pipe – it makes putting the nuts onto the bolts very difficult.

·         Paul also talked about the value of repackaging large glue containers into smaller , recycled containers that allowed no air contact with the glue.  He used Kraft salad dressing bottles with blue “snap” lids, using a small piece of saran wrap on bottles for long term storage.  The price of glue/100ml of the glue was 5X as much for small purchases compared to buying a gallon at a time.  The gallon purchase could be shared with a friend.  It is easy to load the glue into smaller containers.

·         Paul also demonstrated PVC cauls he uses for holding together pieces of wood that are being glued. The PVC cauls are purchased from a home improvement store (Rona/Home Depot etc).  Paul used 1×2 square white PVC stock.  Chris Lapine recommended that this is the minimum size to use to ensure straight alignment of the glued pieces.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Bernie Visser

·         Great carving of a face, done in the thick bark of a cottonwood tree.  The bark is soft but brittle to carve – done with chisels and knives

·         Soft, dark brown color – Howards Wax used to seal the piece

Guy May

·         A really nice selection of Xmas trees done on the Lathe, all finished with Pens Plus, with some also having a darker stain put underneath the clear Pens Plus coat.

·         Some included bark on the turned pieces

Gabby Boileau

·         A gorgeous decorated natural-branch walking stick belonging to her Mother

·         Embellished with wood burning and Turquoise paint

·         Discussion about being sure to use an exterior finish varathane product, and possibly a rubber tip

Mike Beaton

·         A collection of very nice whittled figures (win money on a bar bet…. Here’s the difference between carving and whittling… “Carving employs the use of chisels, gouges, with or without a mallet, and often powered equipment such as lathes. Whittling, however, involves only the use of a knife”)

·         Stock used is 1 – 1.5” square, with the face being typically carved on the corner of it

·         Mike suggests that while you can buy huge assortments of cutting knives, in all likelihood one would normally only use a small fraction of them.

·         It is worthwhile learning how to sharpen the knives one uses – once the knife has its desired shape and is initially sharp, best done by a leather strop and Jewellery Rouge

·         Carving involves minimal drawing of the final figure beyond making marks denoting key space divisions of the figure

Next Meeting: 2023-01-23