Monday Night Recap, January 9, 2023


Fire exits, AED location.

Shop still closed. We have been in contact with the church about this, and we have been actively following up on many leads regarding other possible locations. A detailed update on this will be given at one of our upcoming meetings.  We are working on getting an improved audio system for our meetings which will significantly enhance the zoom experience.

Next week will be tips and jigs, so bring in your tips/jigs to share.

Bruce continues work on re-furbishing our scroll saws – on #5 now!!

There will be a raffle for an extra face plate for a lathe – size 1″ by 8tpi

Bill Rutledge has the DWC apparel now, contact him to pick up your goods.

Some discussion about installing a new bandsaw blade and getting it to run true!

Some discussion about mixing sawdust and glue to a ‘toothpaste’ consistency for filling holes. NOT recommended to be used as toothpaste!

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses once the shop is able to re-open.

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD DRIVE will continue weekly and once a month at the usual plaza pick-up location.

Six new wig stands were brought in tonight for Hearth Place! Keep on Turning!!


Wayne Peden: Banding/edging on cabinets. Melamine or veneer iron on banding, or thin (1/4 inch) wood strip glued on. Use of a special trimmer tool. Tips about sanding, gluing, trimming for a quality finished product.

Chris Lapine: Building cottage stairs from logs. Logs 12” diameter cut in half, and 36” long, rails 3 by 8 pine 14 ft long. Logs should be dried inside, not under the cottage! The ‘half logs’ do warp and twist so a jig was built to flatten them on the one side, using a radial arm saw. A slot was cut in round side of the half logs to fit on the rails. Logs were then lag bolted and PL ‘adhesived’ to the rails.

Gallery, Show & Tell

This week’s fine works included: a wig stand made of cherry and an old clock face; a laminated and turned lidded box, several spinning tops and a bowl; a chestnut turned platter with ‘chatoyance’; a turned box with multi-axis finial and several finials and turned boxes; an oak wig stand.

Next Meeting: Monday Jan 16,    TIPS AND JIGS

Monday Night Recap, December 12, 2022

MINUTES: Annual General Meeting of the Durham Woodworking Club

To be held in Oshawa at Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa

on December 12, 2022

Commencing at   6:30 PM

masks to be worn and social distancing practiced

1.      Verification of Quorum 118 members, 40 needed for quorum. 40 members present!

2.      Business meeting procedures and voting procedures.- these were explained by Kade Bolger.

3.   Adoption of the Agenda Motion AGM 22-01 ( Chris Lapine, Dale Coolidge) that the agenda be accepted. – Carried.

4.      Approval of Minutes of last Annual General Meeting (these had been emailed to members previously)

Motion AGM 22-02 (Dale Coolidge, Bruce Cook) that the minutes of the 2021 AGM be approved. – Carried

5.      Reports from Members of the Executive

  • President’s report by Kade Bolger: The club was closed then open then closed again (due to church insurance issue). We are looking forward to being open again in the new year hopefully. 101 courses should resume, as well as evening shop time and possibly even some Saturdays for interest seminars, as well as our ‘community involvement’ activities resuming.
  • Paul Kidson gave a vice-president’s report hilighting the year’s general meeting presentations, thanking members, and referring to a variety of upcoming presentations for 2023.
  • Secretary’s report by Doug Ricketts hilighted the number of executive meetings, bylaw changes, and also the need for all members of the club to do their part in searching for a new shop location. A list of who has already been contacted about this was read.
  • Community report by Calvin Perry noted the hilites of the 2022 year including wig stands for cancer patients, cub cars, pens for healthcare workers, and BackDoor Mission support. The library is being looked after by Peter Lauricella, when it is available.
  • Maintenance report – very little maintenance had to done on most machines due to shop closures and limited use. Bruce Cook has been doing an extensive re-furbishing of the club’s scroll saws.

6.      Financial Report Motion AGM 22-03 (Mike Beaton, John MacDonald) that the financial report be accepted. Carried. Mike’s report presented the Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the last fiscal year, 2021. These items were explained in some detail. There may be a 2022 year end financial statement presented in Jan or Feb 2023.

Member Larry Jeffreys briefly commented positively on the review of the club’s books that he and member Donna Panethere did in November. There was also a brief discussion about the AGM possibly being held in May or June.

7.      Constitutional Changes:

Motion AGM-22-04 (Chris Lapine, Noel Green, Paul Kidson) Carried

This motion reduced the number on the executive to seven, and simplified some of the wording in article E of the constitution.

“In Article E,

replace ‘either 4 or 5 members of the executive being voted in each year’

with ‘either 3 or 4 members of the executive being voted in each year

and replace

‘In odd numbered years, the positions of President, Secretary, director of Shop Safety and Maintenance, Director of Communications and Director at Large will be elected.  In even numbered years, the positions of Vice President, Director of Community Relations and Library, and Director of Membership will be elected.’


In elections for upcoming odd numbered years, the positions of President, Secretary, Director of Maintenance, and Director at Large will be elected.  In elections for upcoming even numbered years, the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, and Director of Community Relations will be elected.’ “

Motion AGM 22-05 (Bruce Cook, Dale Coolidge, Calvin Perry) Carried.

This motion changed article E2 in the constitution to allow a simple majority to be the quorum for holding an executive meeting.

“that article E2 be amended by replacing ‘Executive meeting: two thirds (2/3)’ with ‘Executive meeting: simple majority’ “.

8.      Elections: member Gord Tilly served as Election Officer

All positions were up for election this year.

Acclaimed were the following six positions: President – Kade Bolger, Vice-president – Paul Kidson, Secretary – Doug Ricketts, Treasurer – Mike Beaton, Director of Community Relations – Calvin Perry, Director of Maintenance – Bruce Cook.

Dan Alexander was nominated at the meeting by Doug Ricketts, seconded by Bruce Cook, and acclaimed as Director at Large.

One year terms: the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, and Director of Community Relations

Two year terms: President, Secretary, Directors- Maintenance; At Large

9.      New Business- no items were submitted by any member.

10.  Meeting Adjournment (Bruce Cook, Chris Lapine) Carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm

After the meeting, there was a draw for members who had prepaid their 2023 fees. Tony Maglietta won and will be reimbursed his $80.

Calvin Perry spoke about the history of the club and its founding president, Denis Lalonde, was applauded by the group for being the recipient of the ‘Queens Platinum Jubilee Award’ for outstanding community service.

The next DWC general meeting will be on Monday Jan. 2nd in our usual meeting room at the church. Hope to see you there or on zoom.

Monday Night Recap, December 5, 2022


AGM next Monday. DEC 12th in the Church itself. MASKS and Social Distancing in effect. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND!!

Ongoing Education

Watch the DWC website and your emails for sign-ups for courses

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BACKDOOR MISSION FOOD DRIVE continues. Please bring your food donation with you to the AGM.


Paul Kidson – future club location. history, status, and “what’s next?”

we may get back in in January… we need an action plan. Maybe separate the two functions- meeting place and workshop. We have had fire inspections, passed. The church has the documents. We havent had to pay rent since Sept 1st.

‘Hope for the best, plan for the worst.’

We did send a focussed letter to the church asking for specific clarifications.

WE NEED -size 1500-2500 sq ft, low rent, accessible space and parking, ground floor, big access door, safe and secure location, 200 amp+ service, wifi capability, longterm availability, ventilation – windows, fans. , meeting space within shop.

We are looking into grant possibilities!

Our club is more than just the shop -it is the members, their experience, knowledge skills camaraderie!! We should be proactive, get a plan in place to move forward with another better location. How much can we afford?

Who can we work with – city, businesses, financial groups…

spread the word, identify locations (greek church on olive), get letters of support, newspapers involved, TVO, Rogers, ads, facebook, radio, CBC, our members, other community groups, other ww clubs, college/univ., other churches, schools (old vanier?) politicians, charities who we support, regional council, scouts canada, Commercial real estate, FUNDING- go fund me, City, boards of Education, BBB, ourselves, downtown BIA, , mackie movers, philanthropists, chambers of commerce, private schools, GM, NorthDog, Millwork, yacht builders, seniors residences, Lee valley – (they do give Nova wws in Nova scotia free space (John McD)), PPG – near old knob hill,

who would open close new facility? Key cards, etc… old schools, Millwork(shop south side), pickering. Letters of support from- hearth place, we grow food, cubs, peacock, armed forces, BDM, Lakeridge health, Novas ark, CLOCA, oshawa seniors, nifty fifties ladies, soper creek animal rescue, artisan craft group – craft ontario, other ww clubs, WGO, legion poppy boxes, KofC, letters needed for such groups, carving club scugog, pickering, ontario military museum,

Types of possible sites – schools, public bldgs, warehousing, seniors, private, city bldgs, airport bldgs, ethnic clubs (fiesta week places) buying portables.., military buildings,City grants, prov grants, other grants, increase mem dues, , gofundMe, WW sugardaddy? Lottery funds. Is it trillium?

Financial update – at AGM. We have ballpark $17000 in bank.

TELL us how you want to help, contact the executive – one part , we all do something we will together accomplish something. Executive will organize, will contact members for tasks.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Wayne H – scrolled picture

Leo Hass peper and salt mills

Noel G- bowls maple, cherry, wine bottle holder, 35 degrees

Paul K wigstand maple

Calvin P wing bowl juniper natural edge, snowmen, scrolled moose, wigstand

Charcuterie brd, butternut Mike Kellar

Doug R salad tongs, lidded box sewing tape measure

Don McF – scrolled ornaments – contact Don for FREE patterns

Rob Peros- rocking Horse for child – project for possible group build

Kade Bolger – turnings- platter of redwood burl, hollowform turning with silver inlays, lotus flower bowl tulip poplar, bell box.

Chris lapine – pencil holders

Next Meeting: 2022-12-12 Annual General Meeting in the Church

Monday Night Recap, November 21, 2022


Welcome – In-Person and Zoomers:
Remember: name badges on, phones off at meetings!!

Defirillator on the east wall in our meeting room, 2 fire exits.

CHRISTMASORNAMENTS**** Patterns attached with details from Don McFarland.

CLUB should be opening DEC 1st !!!!!! Yahoo!

We would also love to see some small seminar workshops, and will restart our Tues, Wed, Thurs evening hours, likely in the new year.

Chris Lapine will be running a turning 101 on consecutive Wednesday evenings, Kade doing Fridays 101 turning. starting in the new year.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday Dec 12 in the church proper, which allows much better social distancing!

WE NEED at least 40 members to attend our AGM (to reach quorum) Review of the year, finances, future plans, constitution and bylaws, nominations forms available from Kade, election of executive, any new motions properly presented, PL AN TO ATTEND!

BUSY BEE nite for our club – email Paul Kidson with ideas about vendors/companies to bring in.

We DO NEED an ‘Elections Officer’ to run our elections at the AGM – YOU could volunteer!! Also, who are you going to nominate for being on the next executive? Contact anyone on the executive

Lotto report – we didn’t win the big one quite yet!

SCROLL saws are being extensively re-furbished by Bruce Cook – Thanks!

DUES are due on or before January first. Pay yours at or before the AGM and you could win back $80. Contact

Financial Report to be coming to you monthly starting in the new year, and at the AGM.

Mike Beaton preparing a draft proposal for cub groups to be temporarily covered as members, as they must be ‘members’ for our insurance to be of any use.

Larry J and Donna P are doing an ‘audit’ of our books tomorrow in conjunction with Mike B. Results will be sent to all in the near future.

You should have access to the membership list, with photos, and also our Constitution and Bylaws, which are on the website. Contact Doug R if you have any questions about this

Ongoing Education

Planning to start the various 101 shop courses in the new year – approach Paul K or Kade if you could assist with these, or learn to be a co-instructor

Community Activities

‘Neighbourhood Protect’ – they might come and do a presentation for us in 2023

Back Door Mission: donations continue to be needed- contact Chad Shaw or Calvin Perry for details.

Scouts Canada asking about ‘CUBCARS‘; may take place starting in February.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Steve Hutcheon – Merry Christmas scroll sawn signs, horses silhouette.

Kade Bolger– several cherry platters; eggs turned using a skew, oak and poplar and apple, with stands. Some discussion about various finishes.

Dale Coolidge – turned bowls displayed as wall art!

Bruce Hyslop – vertical measuring stick to measure the changing heights of growing children. Used various router bits to cut ‘T’ slot in the piece.

Tom Loftus – showed a caricature carving done by a member at the seniors center, as well as some turnings/carvings done from offcuts

Next Meeting

Monday, NOV 28th. see you there or on ZOOM! You can bring your show and tell/ Gallery items to the meeting, or show them on zoom using your computer camera!

Monday Night Recap, November 14, 2022


Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday Dec 12 in our usual meeting room. Review of the year and plans, finances, future plans, constitution and bylaws, nominations

forms available from Kade, can be election of executive, any new motions properly presented, PLAN TO ATTEND!

We DO NEED an ‘Elections Officer’ to run our elections at the AGM – YOU could volunteer!! Also, who are you going to nominate for being on the next executive? Contact anyone on the executive

Lotto report –‘Rick’s Picks’ being run by Janice Prebble, Won 2 free plays and $2.

SCROLL saws are being extensively re-furbished by Bruce Cook – Thanks!

Audio Visual – club to be getting a new laptop for zoom and other club use.

DUES are due on or before January first. Pay yours on or before the AGM and you could win back $80. Contact Mike Beaton

Plans to start the various 101 shop courses in the new year – approach Paul K or Kade if you could assist with these, or learn to be an co-instructor

Cheese slicers being ordered by Chris Lapine++++++++++++++++++

Financial Report to be coming to you monthly starting in the new year, and at the AGM.

Larry J and Donna P are going to be doing an ‘audit’ of our books in conjunction with Mike B.

You should have access to the membership list, with photos, and also our Constitution and Bylaws, which are on the website. Contact Doug R if you have any questions about this

AGM has to include a circulation of last year’s financial statement…this will come to you by email.

Ongoing Education

As noted above, we all look forward to seeing those ‘101’ courses starting up again

Community Activities

Back Door Mission: donations continue to be needed- contact Chad Shaw or Calvin Perry for details. ??

StopGap– makes risers for getting wheelchairs into buildings independently …Calvin talking with them.

Scouts Canada asking about ‘CUBCARS‘ in January?

Wig Stands: keep making them!! wood available from the shop once it opens, and even for a few minutes tonight after the meeting

Dan Alexander is taking photos of gallery items to be posted on our website


Mike KellarBalancing grinder wheels. System for doing this available from Lee Valley. This takes some patience and practice!

Sharpening drill bits: tip usually at 118 degrees, all purpose. Keep angles on both cutting sides the same. Use a sweeping motion to make the grinding pass. Seems like a skill that would take some practice! John MacD did a trial run with the new skill!!!

Gallery, Show & Tell

Steve Hutcheon – two cutting boards (various woods: maple walnut mahogany) finished with mineral oil.

Doug Ricketts– – slab of plum wood from Exotic Woods in Burlington. This place is worth a road trip!

Two small night stands made of walnut and butternut, one finished with polyurethane, and osmo top oil for the other.

Dale Coolidge– wooden turned box tape measure holder (Dale didn’t make it but wanted to show it!)

Next Meeting

Monday, NOV 21st . see you there or on ZOOM! You can bring your show and tell/ Gallery items to the meeting, or show them on zoom using your computer camera!

Faceplates draw

Winners- Dave Roberts, Roy Coe, Kade Bolger

Monday Night Recap, November 7, 2022


Welcome – Live and Zoomers:
Remember: name badges on, phones off at meetings!!

There will be a general meeting at BUSY BEE some-time in the new year! Let us know if there are particular vendors that you would like to see brought in.

LOTTO Janice Prebblereports that the group won!! won one free play 🙁

We may be getting a new club laptop for zooming and AV work

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday Dec 12 in our usual meeting room. Review of the year and plans, constitution and bylaws, election of executive, any new motions properly presented, PLAN TO ATTEND!

Proposed amendments to DWC constitution are now past due. You can find our constitution and bylaws on our website.

We DO NEED an ‘Elections Officer’ to run our elections at the AGM – YOU could volunteer!! Also, who are you going to nominate for being on the next executive?

The DWC clothing/apparel program is in full swing and the order has now been placed! Can’t wait to see those sharply dressed DWCers.

If you are involved in any upcoming shows let us all know! Member Steve Hutcheon will have some work in craft and art show at the Newcastle Marina Clubhouse this weekend – NOV 12 from 10 till 4.

longtime DWC member Rick Sullivan has passed. A celebration of life will be held this Sunday Nov 13th 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Durham Police Association Building, southwest corner of Conlin Rd and Thickson Rd.

Bernie Visser is looking to borrow (for next weeks presentation) the following hand planes: a #62 low angle jack plane; # 60 ½ a low angle block plane.

DUES are due on or before January first. Pay yours at or before the AGM and you could win back $80. Contact Mike Beaton

Community Activities

Back Door Mission: donations continue to be needed- contact Chad Shaw or Calvin Perry for details.

Wig Stands: keep making them!! wood available from the shop once it re-opens.


Dan Norton did a presentation on making a large natural edge maple and epoxy river table. Thanks Dan!

Gallery, Show & Tell

Noel Green showed several bowls turned from ambrosia maple, birch and walnut.

Calvin Perry showed an eastern red cedar ‘egg cup’ and several bowls from juniper.

Mike Beaton showed a soapstone carving of an elephant.

Next Meeting Monday, NOV 14th. see you there!


Tony J. Won the draw to buy the Rikon lathe. Ivan N. Won the router and sander, Calvin P. Won the solder tool, Chris L. Won the drill. More sales might be coming in the new year…

Monday Night Recap, October 24, 2022

Great meeting last night, we had a fabulous presentation by Tim on making a wooden Kayak.

Our AGM is scheduled for Monday Dec. 12th at 6:30pm at South Simcoe United Church, 66 Simcoe St. S, Oshawa. We will be meeting in the auditorium where we have our weekly DWC meeting. Anyone interested in running for the Executive, or if you know of someone who would like to run, or feel they would be a great addition, please feel free to fill out a nomination ballot and had it to me at a meeting our email it to the president.

Annual Membership Dues are coming due. New Members $150 and returning Members $80. The Early Bird Draw will be at our AGM, Dec 12th where individuals that pay before that date will be eligible to win your annual Membership back. Please note this win has a value of a returning Membership, $80. New Members may also win in the Early Bird Draw and they will receive an $80 refund off of their New Membership fee of $150.  Payments can be made by credit card through the website Please note, credit card payments have a banking fee. Membership can also be sent directly to our Treasurer Mike Beaton through an E-Transfer with no banking fee. Those who do not want to be in the Early Bird Draw, Annual Membership dues are due Jan. 1st, 2023.

Ricks Picks is back, $20 for 20 weeks of Loto Max draws! Anyone interested in being included in the draw needs to make payment by Oct.29 at 12 noon to our treasurer Mike Beaton. Credit cards may be processed though the Website at Please note, credit cards have a processing fee($21). For a no fee option send our Treasurer Mike Beaton $20 through an E-Transfer.

Club Apparel Program is in full swing and orders are coming in.  The deadline to get your orders in to Bill Rutledge is by the end of our DWC meeting Nov. 7th, 2022.

Monday Night Recap, October 17, 2022


Welcome – Live and Zoomers:
YES meeting next week, Oct 24 – election day.

NO Meeting on Oct 31, Halloween.

WEAR your name badge at meetings!! Kade has new ones.

Our LOTTO group is back, with Janice Prebble coordinating. Payment deadline is noon on Oct 29, which will cover the next 20 draws.

Club Hours – suspended until insurance issues settled with the Church. (Dec) 

50-50 draw starts on October 17.  winner gets $31.

Scroll Saws are being fixed by Bruce Cook. THANKS!

Cheese slicers – a bulk buy will again be arranged by Chris Lapine (THANKS!)

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday Dec 12 in our usual meeting room. Review of the year and plans, constitution and bylaws, election of executive, any new motions properly presented, PLAN TO ATTEND!

Member Gabby Boileau is looking for another member to work alongside her on a table project.

Member Neil Fickling donated two sets of forstner bits to the club! THANKS!

Ongoing Education

101 courses.   It is our hope that these courses will be able to resume in Dec or January.

Community Activities


Dale Coolidge gave a very informative demonstration on sharpening chisels and plane blades. He used a specialized jig system from Lee Valley, Details included 30 degree angle and 2 degree micro-bevel, flattening the back of the tool first, stones soaked in water, using the whole of the stone, working through 800, 1500, 4000 grit stones, flattening the chipper of the plane, jig keeping the blades square to the stone and at correct angle, using credit card thickness to set plane blade protrusion beyond chipper, and more! THANKS!

Bill Rutledge made a presentation about DWC Apparel. Samples of T-shirt, Polo shirt, and cap were shown. The program will feature quality, affordable items with our club crest embroidered on! Members will be emailed details. The deadline for ordering is Nov 7th. Questions? Contact Bill THANKS!

Gallery, Show & Tell

Steve Hutcheon presented a scroll saw project ‘Tree of Life’, made of mahogany.

Dan Alexander showed to turned bottle stoppers, unknown wood type, hardware from William Wood-Write

Gord Tilly showed a box for a wine box… butternut, walnut, and basswood, handcut dovetails, oil and beeswax finish

Dale Coolidge showed a bowl in a fir ‘cookie’, flat and semi-gloss poly finish.

Next Meeting

Monday OCTOBER 24th. Making a wooden kayak!!! see you there!

Monday night recap, October 3, 2022


Welcome – Live and Zoomers: For Zoomers…  we are looking into upgrading our club computer to allow for better AV services.  Stay tuned

Kade is travelling in Europe at Turning Events.  We wish him well, and congratulate him for his increasingly recognized excellence. With Kade travelling, VP Paul Kidson stood in for this meeting.

NO meeting next week – its Thanksgiving! Meet again on Monday October 17.

Any ‘new members were invited to introduce themselves.     Welcome.

‘Mikey Unit’ – location on the wall at the east side of the meeting room.

A MIKEY is a Public Access Defibrillator (PAD), also called an Automatic External Debirillator (AED).  Debrillator is hard to spell and harder to say.  So, they are referred to as Mikeys.

Signs of Cardiac Fibrillation

a.       Lightheadedness or dizziness.

b.       Palpitations (skipping, fluttering or pounding in the chest)

c.       Fatigue.

d.       Chest pressure or pain.

e.       Shortness of breath.

f.        Fainting spells

Name of person who invented them?    Frank Pantrige

Paul will look into them more for the next meeting…

Fire Exits   2… south door to Bagot Street and west door out into the parking lo

Phones off or muted.  BIG Fine starting next meeting.

Club Hours – suspended until insurance issues settled with the Church. 

Insurance Update:  Likely that this will be settled and in effect in early December.

50-50 draw to start on October 17.  Payment payable by noon, October 13 on line or by cheque/cash to Mike Beaton.  No exceptions for date/time deadlines.

1 ticket per week for ten weeks or 3 tickets per week for ten weeks at either 24 or 48 bucks respectively by e transfer or slightly more by paying with VISA on website

Lotto Draw plans being developed.  Further updates coming.

Chainsaw woodcarving – speaker tied up for 2022.  Has offered to make a presentation in Jan/Feb 2023.

Club branded clothing is being looked into.  Update coming soon.

Offer of tools for club is being followed up on.

Thanks for the persistent efforts of Chris Lapine to get the meeting on Zoom – it was a battle that he eventually solved by contacting Kade in Europe, with Kade starting the process from his end.  Good work to both!

Ongoing Education

101 courses.   As per the above, are likely suspended until December or more likely the new year. 

a.       The course subjects include scroll sawing, turning and flatwork.

b.       Please, we need some additional, instructors, for all courses.

i.      I want to thank Wayne Pye for agreeing to help out as an instructor for the flatwork course.

ii.      Please see myself or Wayne Peden to help out with the flatwork course.

iii.      Please see Kade Bolger or Chris Lapine or Denis Lalonde to help out with the turning course

iv.      Please see Don MacFarland to help out with the scroll sawing course.

Community Activities

Calvin gave a good report on the Community activities of the club, further to his emails.

Chad reported on the Food Drive.  The DWC has been very generous in donations, and we are again closing in on our target of donating a ton of food (2000 lbs!) each half year.  Thanks to both for their work in these areas.


Dale Coolidge gave a very informative talk on prepping/flattening sharpening stones.  He covered different types of stones (water, oil, soap, ceramic and diamond), and described the properties of each.

He went over the purpose and methods of using different “grits” of abrasive sand, including setting them up on a piece of plate or tempered glass as a perfectly flat backing.

Dale commented on the short time needed for flattening if done regularly, the need for a circular pattern of moving the stone over the grit, the advisability of flipping the stone end-to-end at regular intervals so that the “dominant” hand/arm rotates between the two ends of the stone and therefore even outs any pressure imbalance between each arm.  He suggested starting with 60 grit abrasive sand, and pointed out that this was appropriate for the “lower” grit of stones (e.g., 800), and then using the “ground up” grit remaining after the abrasive has been used on low grit stones for flattening higher grit (e.g., 5000 grit) stones.

Mike Kellar reported that Bruce Cook is working on the club Scroll Saws.  He also demonstrated 3 grinder wheels that had been donated to the club, and a kit that allowed a grinder wheel to be balanced.  Mike will give a demonstration in the future.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Calvin brought in a small log and a live edge bowl, and related it to the talk about trees and wood given by Paul Kidson the week previously.

Steve Hutcheon presented two scroll saw pieces, one being a clever “two image” piece done in Baltic Birch, and the other being a complicated, repeating pattern in a 1” thick slab of Poplar.

Gord Tilley showed an old chisel blade that had a clearly marked definition of where the hardened steel at the front of the blade met the softer steel of the handle attachment area.  He also showed us an antique Stanley drill bit attachment to define repeatable depth of cuts on large spiral drill bits.

Next Meeting

Monday OCTOBER 17th. (Dale C presenting part two of sharpening seminar)

Monday night recap, September 19, 2022


The shop is currently closed due to insurance complications with the church. Remedies are being worked on. Once re-opened we will have the usual Mon-Friday 9-3, and some evening 6-9 hours – Wednesdays turning only with Chris Lapine, Thursdays open shop with Mike Kellar. The combination to the club door in the basement is 142.

50-50 draws will resume soon but will be done on-line or by e-transfer to Mike Beaton (treasurer) directly. Next week there will be a draw for a beautiful and curvy slab of walnut – donated by Gord Tilly.

Lottery (formerly ‘Rick’s Picks’) will begin again soon – coordinated by Janice Prebble with treasurer Mike Beaton – all monies will go through Mike B by e-transfer or website.

NEW NAME TAGS are available- pick yours up at a meeting.

NEW members Brendenn Bates and Corey Racher introduced themselves.

DWC member Sally Thurlow is an artist who is having a show at ‘RedHead Gallery’ in Toronto ( Unit 115 at 401 Richmond St at Spadina) starting Friday Sept 28th through to Oct 15. Sally will be there on Sept 28 and Oct 1,7,8,15. Hours 12 to 5p.m. Paintings on recovered wood panels. Drop in!!

Ongoing Education

Turning 101 with Chris L (wed evenings 2 hrs X 8 weeks)- ready to go with two candidates having been contacted from the list of those wanting the turning course. Also, Kade intends to run a turning course in Jan on fridays (Jan 13, 20, 27) Candidates from the list will be contacted.

FLATWORK 101 (Wayne Peden, Paul Kidson) will run again this year- contact Paul K directly if you are interested.

NOTE: the above named members cannot run these courses all the time – WE NEED OTHER MEMBERS TO ASSIST!! Our strength is our people! Please consider helping out and possibly becoming a co-instructor!

Community Activities

Doug Ricketts made a display case for a statue for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at a church in Bowmanville. They had asked at Peacock Lumber and were directed to contact the club.


Display Case with Doug Ricketts. An oak and plexiglass display case was shown and its construction steps detailed. Discussion of mortise and tenon joints, acrylic vs Lexan plexiglass, gluing, clamping.

Paul Kidson led a discussion on Continuing Education (101 courses, club builds, evening and weekend sessions) and learning topics at the club…lots of great ideas including: make a tool; unique tools & techniques, joints joinery; shop tours; merchants talks; using resin and wood; sharpening -planes, chainsaws, chisels, router and drill bits; chainsaw carving, bandsaw boxes, adhesives, abrasives, SIA, R&D bandsaws, Busy Bee, Markham Industrial, Stockroom Supply, Makita, Freud, Trend, saw blade care and use, Tips and jigs, NorthDog Wood, Wooddatabase, rare and unusual woods, toxicities, and more…

Gallery, Show & Tell

Calvin Perry: bandsaw box of pine, and maple snowman! Calvin will do a demo on how to make a bandsaw box at a meeting in the near future!!

Next Meeting

2022-09 – 26, 6:30 in person at the church and by zoom. Hope you join us!!!   Bring your items for ‘Gallery’ (show and tell!)