Monday Night Recap, Nov 13, 2023


SHOP HOURS Mon – Fri 9:00 to 8:00, SAT 9:00 to 3:00

Wednesday Night Turning is up and running with Chris Lapine.

ELECTION coming at AGM on December 11, will need new VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Community Relations director. Please do consider taking a turn helping out.

Annual membership dues are due by Jan 1st. If you pay by Dec 1, you are entered into an early bird draw and may win back your $80.

Clean pitched gummy blades with degreaser, coke, varsol, ‘orange’ cleaner, … and a toothbrush

DON MCFARLAND is happy to provide you with name-customized scroll saw patterns for Christmas ornaments. These are great for the kids/grandkids!

Ongoing Education

SCROLLSAWING 101 – contact Don Mcfarland

Contact Paul K for Flatwork 101 course info

For Turning 101 contact Kade B

Community Activities

BackDoorMission FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE continues weekly. Men’s and women’s winter clothing and toiletries needed, also sleeping bags. Food- THANKS for bringing things in!!

Wig standsfor cancer patients is ongoing -we still have wood available in the shop. We will be sending some wigstands to Princess Margaret Hospital.

PENS for PEACEKEEPERS active again, Chad has pen kits to sign out. Military people want slim pens to fit in their uniform. This program is very appreciated by those in uniform – please get involved! 40 or so kits to go.

CUBCARS is starting up again – first group next week Tuesday Nov 21st 6:00 pm. (we meet at 5:30) we need about a DOZEN volunteers

Maintenance: email Bruce/Chad/Mike whenever you notice a problem with one of the machines

Tom L. Scroll saw program for seniors at John Street and Northview needs new volunteers .


Tour of shop to see new planer and dust collector and wiring for those. PAUL K.

IMPORTANT Proper and Safe use: Always turn on the dust collector first!

On planer, red OFF switch must be disengaged to allow green ON switch to function! ONE ROTATION of depth of cut wheel equals one sixteenth inch cut – never take off more than that in a single pass!!! With wide boards or harder woods you should take off only 1/32 inch (1/2 turn) or 1/64 inch (1/4 turn)

Two locking screwknobs on right side of machine should NEVER be overtightened and NEVER left tightened – always release… you should NOT use these knobs except maybe for your final finishing pass, then release them!


Gallery, Show & Tell

Gord T: triangular rule, circle centre finder, found 3 1/8 inch forstner bit, little wizard metal finder in wood.

Noel G: BOWLS – maple, (general salad bowl finish) poplar X 4,

Paul K: Bowl from One-Of-A-Kind to try and emulate in the coming months! Wooden carved frogs music toy -2.

Kade B: our table saw cross cut fence which has been cut through by the blade…the fence is adjustable to avoid this! If UNSURE – ASK for assistance!!

Kade B: turned box with finial (olive and oak – ebonized with steel wool and apple cider vinegar…) (tannins in wood react with the dissolved metal) also crab apple with black walnut, also African blackwood finial on red heart. Lids are just loose enough to allow for natural wood movement with variance in moisture and temperature.

Chris L: SALT and PEPPER Cellar (oval box) with stabilizing leg attached, Cherry Maple and Walnut. Used brass bolt and threaded insert from HD. Idea from Wood Whisperer.

Don McF: Personalized Christmas ornaments: available from Don, free name-customized patterns to DWC members… Contact Don

Next Meeting: 2023-11-20 Monday at 6:30

Monday Night Recap, Nov 6, 2023


This Wednesday evening’s turning session is cancelled. Shop will be open.

ELECTION coming at AGM on December 11, will need new VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Community Relations director. That could be you!! Please do consider taking a turn helping out. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to help run the club!

GREAT to see so many members (38?)at this meeting!!

Bring your projects on a Monday night for Show and Tell..or if they are too big, bring in pictures on a memory stick

SHOP HOURS Mon – Fri 9:00 to 8:00, SAT 9:00 to 3:00

The first ‘101’ courses in turning and flatwork have concluded this fall. Contact Kade B or Paul K to sign up for these course which may run in the new year…

2024 membership dues ($80) are due by Jan 1st. If you pay by Dec 4, you are entered into an early bird draw and may win back your $80. E-transfer to Mike Beaton (treasurer), see below, or cash at a meeting, or credit card on website.

DWC Executive 2023:

Kade B. – President

Paul K. – Vise president

Mike B. – Treasurer

Dan A. – Director at large

Bruce C. – Maintenance

Chad S. – Community Relations

Doug R. – Secretary

WOW!! A new 15” helical head carbide cutters planer is NOW in the shop!! Electrical upgrades and dust collection being set up this week, possibly next. We WILL HAVE a special Monday night presentation on proper use and care of this machine!! Thanks to Chad Shaw for his work in setting up this equipment

Ongoing Education

TURNING 101 may run again in 2024.

Contact Chris L. or Kade B

SCROLLSAWING 101 – contact Don Mcfarland

FLATWORK 101 may run in 2024. Contact Paul K.

Community Activities

BackDoorMission FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE continues weekly. Men’s and women’s clothing and toiletries needed, also sleeping bags. Food. thanks for lending a helping hand to those in need.

Wig stands for cancer patients is ongoing -we still have wood available in the shop. Take your turn to do a good turn!

PENS for PEACEKEEPERS is running again, Chad has pen kits to sign out. Military people want slim pens to fit in their uniform. This program is very appreciated by those in uniform – please get involved!

CUBCARS will likely start up again this year – stay tuned for details!!


Doug R did a presentation on MUSIC and WOODWORKING. The powerpoint, with embedded YOUTUBE videos is attached. THANKS to the audience for their awesome participation!

Gallery, Show & Tell

Kade B showed a tool handle spindle, a pen and an ash bowl that were made in the turning 101 class. Kade also showed several shawl pins (ash, oak, cherry) and a live edge walnut goblet. He also showed several turned lidded boxes with coloured epoxy insets.  Awesome

Steve H showed an oak scroll sawn dragonfly (27 hrs), and a set of scrolled Christmas ornaments on stands ‘Love’ ‘Peace’ ‘Joy’.  Beautiful

Dave Ricketts (guest) showed slides of three projects: Mitre-jointed table made from reclaimed century fir beams; a series of wall shelves made from maple ply and cherry; and a walnut compound mitred fireplace mantle.  Fantastic

Next Meeting: 2023-11-13 Mondays at 6:30 SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday Night Recap, Oct 30, 2023


SHOP CLEANUP was Saturday Oct 28 at 10:00 a.m., THANKS to all who helped out.

ELECTION coming at AGM on December 11, will need new VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Community Relations director. That could be you!! Please do consider taking a turn helping out.

Focus Groups – PLEASE email if YOU have an interest in working with or sharing ideas with other members of similar interest. Whittling, Toys, Furniture, Scrolling, Carving, Paddle making, Others?? Doug will very soon email members of each focus group with contact info.

Invite a member whom have you not seen for a while?? Why not reach out to them (by phone or email ) to join us Monday nights in person or on zoom.

NEXT week(NOV 6th) there will be a special presentation on

MUSIC in WOODWORKING don’t miss it!!!

Bring your projects on a Monday night for Show and Tell…or if they are too big, bring in pictures on a memory stick

SHOP HOURS Mon – Fri 9:00 to 8:00, SAT 9:00 to 3:00

LOTTERY group run by Paul Kidson, has 19 participants… you will get updates from Paul directly or from Doug in these minutes

2024 membership dues ($80) are due by Jan 1st. If you pay by Dec 1, you are entered into an early bird draw and may win back your $80. E-transfer to Mike Beaton (treasurer), see below, or cash at a meeting, or credit card on website.

Will need volunteers to help move new planer and dust collector into the shop

Electrician coming to do upgrades next week…

Thursday is final Turning 101 class ,  SHOP CLOSED 9 to 4,  OPEN 4 to 8

Looking for a volunteer to donate a coffee maker

Next meeting is our social and treats meeting

SAWDUST ONLY in dust bin,  WOOD SCRAPS only in wood bin.  nothing else, don’t mix

Finishes at the shop:!!!  take home all rags and product, no rags etc in our garbage, 

Carefully check all wood for staples/nails etc before it goes through the jointer/planer, saw !!!

DWC Executive 2023:

Kade B. President

Paul K. Vice President

Mike B. Treasurer

Dan A. Director at large

Bruce C. Maintenance

Chad S. Community Relations

Doug R. Secretary

WOW!! A new 15” helical head carbide cutters planer is arriving soon, with necessary electrical upgrades and dust collection in the shop! We WILL HAVE a special Monday night presentation on proper use and care of this machine!!

Ongoing Education

TURNING 101 with Chris L started Wednesday, Oct 4, for 8 weeks, 6-9pm. Turners only in the shop those nights. Contact Chris L.

SCROLLSAWING 101 – contact Don Mcfarland

Wednesday night turning nights resumed October Oct 4, 6:00 pm every Wednesday, with Chris Lepine…TURNING ONLY those nights!

Community Activities

BackDoorMission FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE continues weekly. Men’s and women’s clothing and toiletries needed, also sleeping bags. Food

Wig stands for cancer patients is ongoing -we still have wood available in the shop. Take your turn to do a good turn!

PENS for PEACEKEEPERS starting up again, Chad has pen kits to sign out. Military people want slim pens to fit in their uniform. This program is very appreciated by those in uniform – please get involved!

CUBCARS will likely start up again this year – stay tuned for details!!


A presentation was done on Epoxy and resins. Using resin with wood projects, details and cautions, maybe a Saturday morning workshop on this in future.

Dangers of hand grinder hacks

Gallery, Show & Tell

Noel G – flying bowl in cedar   

Tom L – ornaments and finials, a 3d printed saw blade insert, 2 board games

Next Meeting: 2023-11-06 Mondays at 6:30

Monday Night Recap, Oct 23, 2023


Safety: exits and defibrillator (and washroom) were pointed out!

!!! SHOP CLEANUP is this Saturday Oct 28 at 10:00 a.m., many hands make light work! Hope to see you there… usually done in less than 2 hrs.

IF  YOU have any suggestions or wishes for presentation topics for Monday night meetings, let Paul K know or reply to this email!!

Thanks to Gord Tilly who agreed to be our Elections Officer again this year at our AGM on DEC 11th.

ELECTION coming at AGM on December 11, will need new VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Community Relations director. Please do consider taking a turn helping out.

Focus Groups – as in the last email I sent you, these are being developed for YOU the members of the club! Whittling, Toys, Furniture, Scrolling, Carving, Others?? Reply to this email with your interest…

Invite a member whom have you not seen for a while?? Why not reach out to them (by phone or email ) to join us Monday nights in person or on zoom.

In 2 WEEKS (NOV 6th) there will be a special presentation on…..

MUSIC in WOODWORKING don’t miss it!!!

SHOP HOURS Mon – Fri 9:00 to 8:00, SAT 9:00 to 3:00

LOTTERY group run by Paul Kidson, has 19 participants… you will get updates from Paul directly or from Doug in these minutes

PARKING in church lot can be tricky! Best luck if you arrive before 9:00 a.m., or after 3:00. We are working diligently with the church on finding solutions to this!!

2024 membership dues ($80) are due by Jan 1st. If you pay by Dec 1, you are entered into an early bird draw and may win back your $80.

WOW!! A new 15” helical head carbide cutters planer is being ordered, with necessary electrical upgrades and dust collection in the shop!

Ongoing Education

WOODTURNING 101 COURSE running Oct 12, 19, Nov 2nd. SHOP CLOSED TO ALL OTHERS THOSE DAYS! Contact Kade to be on the list for future courses (January?)

TURNING 101 with Chris L started Wednesday, Oct 4, for 8 weeks, 6-9pm. Turners only in the shop those nights. Contact Chris L.

SCROLLSAWING 101 – contact Don Mcfarland.

Wednesday, with Chris Lepine…TURNING ONLY those nights!

Community Activities

BackDoorMission FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE continues weekly. Men’s and women’s clothing and toiletries needed, also sleeping bags. Food

Wig stands for cancer patients is ongoing -we still have wood available in the shop. Take your turn to do a good turn!

PENS for PEACEKEEPERS starting up again, Chad has pen kits to sign out. Military people want slim pens to fit in their uniform. This program is very appreciated by those in uniform – please get involved!

CUBCARS will likely start up again this year – stay tuned for details!!


Paul Kidson:    Guest from “Wooden It Be Nice” in Brooklin Ontario! Video one: about chair repair. All or most chairs will develop loose joints due to use and movement, plus the older glues that may have been used can break down. Use of clamps to stretch the joints apart, after labelling all parts, Do NOT bash it apart!! stretch and wiggle. Clean off the tenons with sandpaper of carefully with a file. Clean out the mortises with sandpaper or round file or FORSTNER bits of the exact right size…insert the bit using REVERSE then using forward you can draw the bit out, cleaning the hole!

Video two: taking apart and repairing a different chair type, removal of construction adhesive can be very tricky… Using a dremel type tool with a cuttoff wheel can deal with nails etc. You may need to replace screws with longer ones to get a good bite into the piece to be joined. May use wood glue into tight fitting joint areas and epoxy into more gapped joint areas

Discussion about glues and chair repair: do not use screws in most cases to repair the chair leg joint, the wood and the metal will not mate well…the screw will eat the wood in the joint with the movement over time.

use carpenters glue, (or hide glue on antiques), or epoxy if there are gaps.

Be sure both the tenon and the mortise (hole) have glue on them to get a good result. Use a rubber mallet to encourage the joints to firm up (legs into bottom of seat) Similar process for stretchers.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Noel G. SHINY! bowl, maybe Cottonwood or hickory? general salad bowl finish.

Wood samples – cottonwood? Or chestnut? and poplar

Gord T. Piece of cut Ash, with evidence of ash borer

Doug R. Turned mushrooms from oak (with a very uniquely shaped pith) and another unknown wood… imperfect as they should be!

Paul K. Wooden chair to be reconfigured, rebuilt…Paul will update us on his progress!

Next Meeting: 2023-10-30 Mondays at 6:30

Monday Night Recap, Oct 16, 2023


Safety: fire exits and defibrillator were pointed out! is a free forum, with a free link to a spinning top demo, among other things. MEETINGS online Wednesdays at 7:00 pm.

Hamilton Woodworking Show is coming up, Oct 20-22, carving, turning, vendors, etc.

SHOP CLEANUP will happen Saturday Oct 28 at 10:00 a.m., many hands make light work! Hope to see you there… usually done in less than 2 hrs.

Members are encouraged to contact others who maybe haven’t attended many meetings recently, to encourage them to come out to a Monday night meeting!

If you would consider ride-sharing with another member, let Doug R know, and he will try to coordinate for other members…

Mike Beaton is looking for a volunteer to spend an hour or two looking over the clubs books, before the AGM.

ELECTION coming at AGM on December 11th, will need new VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Community Relations director. Please do consider taking a turn helping out.

We also need a volunteer to run the election process, script and support provided!

SHOP HOURS Mon – Fri 9:00 to 8:00, SAT 9:00 to 3:00

Wednesday night turning nights resumed October Oct 4, 6:00 pm every Wednesday, with Chris Lepine…TURNING ONLY those nights!

Annual membership dues ($80) are due by Jan 1st. If you pay by Dec 11th, you are entered into an early bird draw and may win back your $80.

If you are in the Lottery Group (contact Paul Kidson) and if you want to play specific numbers, you must email Paul by this Friday about having your lucky numbers used to win the millions…

PARKING in church lot can be tricky! Best luck if you arrive before 9:00 a.m., or after 3:00.

Ongoing Education

WOODTURNING 101 COURSE is running Oct 12, 19, 26th. SHOP CLOSED TO ALL OTHERS THOSE DAYS! Kade will contact those registered. Contact him to be on the list for future courses (January?)

TURNING 101 with Chris L is running Wednesdays started Oct 4, for 8 weeks, 6-9pm.

SCROLLSAWING 101 – contact Don Mcfarland

Community Activities

BackDoorMission FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE continues weekly. Men’s and women’s clothing and toiletries needed, also sleeping bags. Food

Wig stands for cancer patients is ongoing -we still have wood available in the shop. Take your turn to do a good turn!

PENS for PEACEKEEPERS starting up again, Chad has pen kits to sign out. Military people want slim pens to fit in their uniform. This program is very appreciated by those in uniform – please get involved!

CUBCARS will likely start up again this year – stay tuned for details!!



Coniferous vs Deciduous; seasonal variation, different environments; Tree identification from a distance, and from up close details; maples, walnut, oaks, pines, cherrys, ash, cedars, elm, mulberry, spruces, firs, (Shape, Leaves, Seeds, Bark, flat vs round needles). Native trees of Ontario, (? cucumber tree – really! It’s a magnolia!?!) rough and milled wood samples to try and identify.

Paul K and Gord T brought in the samples of wood tonight. Gord did identify almost all of the various woods (correctly?!)

Gallery, Show & Tell

Chris L: Mushrooms turned (slightly off centre) from (wet) apple wood, and cherry.

Rick K : Stepstool, cherry with walnut plugs, gnomes burned into top, tung oil

Kade B: turned live edge , captive ring goblets, thin wall birch; spinning tippy-tops (spherical), they flip up onto the stem when spun!

Guy M: small cherry bowl, live edge, mineral oil and wax finish

Gord T: Step stool, cherry and walnut, danish oil

Next Meeting: 2023-10-23 HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE

Monday Night Recap, Oct 2, 2023


Safety: exits and defibrillator were pointed out!

SPECIAL GUESTS Calvin Perry and Gloria, plus Calvin’s friend Johnny. Great to see you back Calvin!!!

SHOP HOURS Mon – Fri 9:00 to 8:00, SAT 9:00 to 3:00

ELECTION coming at AGM in December, will need new VP, Treasurer, Community Relations director. Please do consider taking a turn helping out.

We also need a volunteer to run the election process, script and support provided!

Hamilton Woodworking Show is coming up, Oct 20-22, carving, turning, vendors, etc.

Tools Of The Trade show at Pickering Rec Centre, Oct 15th

PARKING in church lot can be tricky! Best luck if you arrive before 9:00 a.m., or after 3:00.

Annual membership dues are due by Jan 1st. If you pay by Dec 1, you are entered into an early bird draw and may win back your $80.

A new 15” (helical head carbide cutters) planer is being ordered, with necessary electrical upgrades and dust collection in the shop.

SHOP CLEANUP will happen Saturday Oct 28 at 10:00 a.m., many hands make light work! Hope to see you there… usually done in less than 2 hrs.

NO meeting on Thanksgiving Monday, Oct 9th

RICK’s PICKS Lotto Group has a new coordinator!! Paul Kidson!! Please contact Paul and pay by Oct 13 at noon for the draws beginning Oct 16th. You can tell Paul the numbers you want him to use, or else he will pick them. You can pay by credit card through the website, or by e-transfer to our treasurer. $20 for 20 weeks.

Ongoing Education

POWERTOOL Flatwork COURSE ran successfully Sept 23 and 29th. Thanks to instructors and participants!

WOODTURNING 101 COURSE will run Oct 12, 19, 26th. SHOP CLOSED TO ALL OTHERS THOSE DAYS! Kade will contact those registered. Contact him to be on the list for future courses (January?)

TURNING 101 with Chris L starts this Wednesday, Oct 4, for 8 weeks, 6-9pm. Contact Chris L.

SCROLLSAWING 101 – contact Don Mcfarland

Wednesday night turning nights resume October Oct 4, 6:00 pm every Wednesday, with Chris Lepine…TURNING ONLY those nights!

Community Activities

BackDoorMission FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE continues weekly. Men’s and women’s clothing and toiletries needed, also sleeping bags. Food

Wig standsfor cancer patients is ongoing -we still have wood available in the shop. Take your turn to do a good turn!

PENS for PEACEKEEPERS starting up again, Chad has pen kits to sign out. Military people want slim pens to fit in their uniform. This program is very appreciated by those in uniform – please get involved!

CUBCARS will likely start up again this year – stay tuned for details!!


TIPS and JIGS: Kade B: Jigs for cutting round stock on bandsaw, spatula/bbq scraper jig, knife sharpening jig. Do NOT wear a glove when working with saws, lathe etc as it could get caught and add to the injury.

Chris L: Juice groove jig for routing on a cutting board, adjustable to various sizes and depths; sharpens router bits to avoid burning the workpiece.

Mike K: a filter sock for a pool filter works great as a filter on your shop vac and much cheaper!

Don McF: sorter for various grits of 2” sanding discs; stacking thin stock for scrolling cuts, use of 3M quality tape, Don uses ‘KJP Select Hardwoods’ from Ottawa for quality baltic birch plywoods, and other woods:

Chad S: BBQ scraper angle cutting jig, cheese board hole drilling jig; circle cutting jig in shop; juice groove routing jig plans.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Kade B: Christmas ornament walnut and ash, elastic clamp; aluminum arrow shaft with deer antler hook end and handle end for searching through low plants (poison ivy etc!!) to find arrows; turning magazine ‘Revolutions’ from UK where Kade will be a guest presenter next year.

Peter L: 3 segmented bowls using maple, tulipia, veneers, yellow heart, polymer clay baked in, hole saw jig. Also 3 wig stands with some segmented sections and polymer clay.

Next Meeting: 2023-10-16

Monday Night Recap, Sept 25, 2023


Ermina, a PhD student at Ontario Tech, gave a brief presentation about a research project on active aging that she is involved in. It requires persons age 65 and up to take a walk around their neighbourhood with a researcher. You may receive a $100 gift card for participating!

SHOP HOURS Mon – Fri 9:00 to 8:00, SAT 9:00 to 3:00

ELECTION coming at AGM in December, will need new VP, Treasurer, Community Relations director. Please do consider taking a turn helping out.

Good of the club 50-50 draw: This year there will be two draw periods, each for a 15 week period. 

Cost to participate is $30.00 for one weekly ticket OR three tickets for $50.00 

Payment of $30/$50 can be e-transfered or cash or cheque, or Payment of $31.50/$52.00 credit card payment on club website   

The draw will take place at the end of the weekly Monday meetings. 

Each person who enters has their name put into the drum based on the number of tickets bought. 

One name is drawn weekly.  

You do not have to be present during the meeting to win. 

Winners’ names will be returned to the drum for the next draw.  

First Draw: October 2/23 to January 29/24. No draw December 18, 25 or Jan. 1. 

Payment: must be made by noon Sept 29th /23 

Second Draw: February 19/23 to May 27/24 

Payment: must be made by noon February 16/24. 

RICK’s PICKS Lotto Group has a new coordinator!! Paul Kidson!! Please contact Paul and pay by Oct 13 at noon for the draws beginning Oct 16th. You can tell Paul the numbers you want him to use, or else he will pick them. You can pay by credit card through the website, or by e-transfer to our treasurer.

Next week’s, OCT 2, meeting will be ‘tips and jigs’ so bring in your great tips… It is also our monthly social, water tea and coffee provided, members bring along a few snacks! NO MEETING on thanksgiving Monday, Oct 9th.

Ongoing Education

POWERTOOL Flatwork COURSE running Sept 23 and 29th. SHOP CLOSED for this course to run on Friday, Sept 29.

WOODTURNING 101 COURSE will run Oct 12, 19, 26th. Kade will contact those registered. Contact him to be on the list for future courses.

SCROLLSAWING 101 – contact Don Mcfarland.

Wednesday night turning nights will resume October Oct 4th, with Chris Lepine

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE will continue weekly. Men’s and women’s clothing and toiletries needed, also sleeping bags.

Wig stands for cancer patients is ongoing -we still have wood available in the shop. Take your turn to do a good turn!

PENS for PEACEKEEPERS starting up again, Chad has pen kits to sign out. Military people want slim pens to fit in their uniform. This program is very appreciated by those in uniform – please get involved!


Dale Coolidge presented on Restoring Hand Planes: a no. 4 bailey, a Miller Falls no. 9. key points included bathing metals in vinegar and salt, rinsing, bathing in water and baking soda, drying with cloth and hair dryer; re-finishing wooden handles, black rustoleum paint for some parts of metal, flattening the sole, polishing with brass wire wheel; using kerosene to prevent rust and seal the metal.

Gallery, Show & Tell

Steve H showed two intricate scroll sawn bowls, cut out of one piece of poplar.

Don McF showed his embroidered DWC sweatshirt. Don also showed some scrolled puzzles with names, cats, and several maple leaf pens that were from Mack Cameron, being donated to Pens For Peacekeepers.

Dan A showed several turned pop can covers, cherry, walnut, maple; also two cheese slicers of ash and maple.

Noel G showed some turned pin cushions, maple and cherry.

Doug R showed a carved bowl from oak, with walnut feet.

Kade B showed a fly switch, turned by a student of his in the U.S., made of buckthorn and horse hair.

Next Meeting: 2023-10-02

Monday Night Recap, Sept 18, 2023


ONTARIO PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA has been operating in Durham for 67 years, is a charity, is holding a ‘Mayors Fundraising Gala’ on October 18th and looking for donations of items for their silent auction…get creative and donate items to this amazing group! Thanks to Laura Vaillancourt for speaking to us. Donations can be brought to Doug Wilson Men’s Wear on Simcoe St downtown, or by contacting Paul Kidson or Kade B.

SHOP HOURS Mon – Fri 9:00 to 6:00, SAT 9:00 to 3:00

ELECTION coming at AGM in December, will need new VP, Treasurer, Community Relations director. Please do consider taking a turn helping out.

Good of the club 50-50 draw: a schedule is being developed and will be announced. E-transfer or cash at meetings.

RICK’s PICKS Lotto Group needs a volunteer to run this program or else it will end! If you are interested in seeing the Lottery group continue please contact the executive for details!!

Ongoing Education

POWERTOOL Flatwork COURSE will run Sept 23 and 29th. Contact Paul Kidson

WOODTURNING 101 COURSE will start in middle/late October. Contact Kade

SCROLLSAWING 101 – contact Don Mcfarland

Wednesday night turning nights will resume likely late October.

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE will continue weekly. Mens and womens clothing and toiletries needed, also sleeping bags.

Wig standsfor cancer patients is ongoing -we still have wood available in the shop. Take your turn to do a good turn!

PENS for PEACEKEEPERS starting up again, Chad has pen kits to sign out. Military people want slim pens to fit in their uniform. This program is very appreciated by those in uniform – please get involved!

Tom Loftus: Woodworking for Seniors program, was started by Tom, Don Gaudet, Bob Kitchen. Looking for DWC volunteers to continue the program, 2-3 hours a week. Contact Tom Loftus or Misty Mazza for details.


Kade did a detailed presentation from his home shop on TURNING CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS. Safety and techniques were shown, use of pen mandrel, globes, finials, careful use of rough gouge and skew, safe sanding, parting tool, staining, spigot jaws, coves and beads, drilling and gluing, hi-tech clamping,…to some wonderful finished products

Gallery, Show & Tell

Guy May showed a variety of turnings, bowls, lidded box, from a variety of woods- cherry, poplar, oak

Discussion about various methods of drying wet wood.

Next Meeting: MONDAY, Sept 25

Monday Night Recap, Sept 11, 2023


Welcome back!

Scrap wood bins in the shop are full – free firewood for you! Please take some.

Bernie Visser – donated two rolls of sandpaper, 50 and 150 grit

NEW SHOP HOURS Mon – Fri 9:00 to 6:00, SAT 9:00 to 3:00

Executive is looking at purchasing a new King planer, 15 inch, with helical carbide cutterhead.

Is a free woodturning zoom club some American colleagues and I started at the beginning of Covid. We meet Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 9pm EST. Free woodturning information and demonstrations. 

Woodturning Interactive is a woodturning Facebook page some UK colleagues and I started. We offer free woodturning advice 2nd and 4th Saturday via Zoom from 9-11am EST. Join the group to get access to the content and Zoom links.

BYLAW change: driving costs for approved course instructors to NOT include drivivng to shop for the course. Daily honorarium paid to instructors increased to $70 per 6+ hr day. 2 instructors on exec did not vote.

ELECTION coming at AGM in December, will need new VP, Treasurer, Community Relations director. Please do consider taking a turn helping out.

Don Gaudet has had a stroke, now living in Peterborough.

Calvin Perry is at home, continuing physio in his recovery. Enjoys chatting with DWC members.

Good of the club 50-50 draw, and Ricks Picks Lotto group: a schedule is being developed and will be announced. E-transfer or cash at meetings.

Ongoing Education

POWERTOOL Flatwork COURSE will run Sept 23 and 29th. Contact Paul Kidson

WOODTURNING 101 COURSE will start in middle/late October. Contact Kade

SCROLLSAWING 101 – contact Don Mcfarland

Wednesday night turning nights will resume likely late October.

Community Activities

Chad Shaw – the BackDoorMission FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE will continue weekly. Mens and womens clothing and toiletries needed, also sleeping bags.

Wig stands for cancer patients is ongoing -we still have wood available in the shop.

PENS for PEACEKEEPERS starting up again, Chad has pen kits to sign out, Dale Coolidge has wood blanks available. Military people want slim pens to fit in their uniform. This program is very appreciated by those in uniform – please get involved!

Tom Loftus: Woodworking for Seniors program, was started by Tom, Don Gaudet, Bob Kitchen. Looking for DWC volunteers to continue the program, 2-3 hours a week. Contact Tom Loftus for details. TOM LOFTUS or contact Misty Mazza

Gallery, Show & Tell

Kade B: Red maple bowl; box with brass finial; small box with off-axis finial; roasted ash, cherry, maple and osage orange spinning top; Christmas ornaments.

Noel Green: 2 bowls, one cottonwood, one maple.

Rick Kelly: carved harlequin duck, tupelo wood

Neil Fickling: 2 wig stands, catalpa wood

Next Meeting: MONDAY, Sept 18

Monday Night Recap, May 15, 2023

It was a great meeting, Monday May 15th, 2023.  The 2×4 Challenge was very well received. Thank you to all the participants, the work was beautiful and very well made. We had 4 entries in each category.

Peoples choice award:  Wayne Schroder for the SPF 2×4 Christmas Tree.

Golden Stud Award:   Kade Bolger for his SPF Thin Walled Victorian Lidded Bowl with a Finial.

Non turned; 

1st:    Wayne Schroder for his SPF Christmas tree.

2nd:   Guy May for his Pine Car Hauler and Display Shelf

3rd:   Don McFarland for his SPF Gnome Birdhouse on a swing


1st:    Kade Bolger for his SPF Thin Walled Victorian Lidded Bowl with a Finial.

2nd:   Wayne Schroder for his SPF Biplane

3rd:   Neil Fickling for his SPF Wig Stand

Our Judges were; 

Colleen Samila, the WGO Past President who Judged  the Turning Category

Glenn, the owner of Peacock Lumber who judged the Non Turning Category

They both judged the Golden Stud Award.

Congratulations to all!

The prizes were donated by Woodchuckers, William Wood Write and Peacock Lumber.  We had 19 door/raffle prizes that were raffled off to the Membership.

50/50 Winners:

Dan Alexander

Mike Kellar

This weekend is Victoria Day Long Weekend, so there will not be a meeting Monday May 22nd, 2023.  Have a safe and enjoyable long weekend!

Our next meeting will be May 29th, 2023.  This is our last meeting before our summer break.  See you there.